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You're viewing WWF Raw Cheat Codes

Game Name : WWF Raw
System : Genesis
Date Added : 2005-01-24 14:50:52
Views : 24613

More Edit a Wrestler
Wrestler - Code
123 Kid - Up+Right+Start+C
Bam-Bam - Up+Start+A+C
Owen Hart - Up+A+C

During any one-on-one match press A+B+C at the same time on controller two and someone will come out and help your opponent.

Use the same wrestler
To use the same wrestler as your opponent or partner press Up+Start+A+C to use the same wrestler.

Killer Punchs
To get killer punchs hold start and press up 4 times at the copyright screen then you will have killer punchs to use on your opponent.

Turn a regular match into a brawl
To turn a regular one-on-one match into a brawl knockout the ref repeatedly until he will throw his arms in the air and leave the ring, which turn the match into a brawl. Note: This does not work on tournament mode.

Bret Hart's Somer Sault Splash
When the opponent is down near the ropes climb the top ropes hold X and press right, right, up, release X and press B.

Yokozuna's Cannon Ball
When the opponent is down near the ropes climb the top ropes and hold X and press down, down, down, release X and press B.

Edit a wrestler
Enter one of the following controller actions at the view statistics screen. Note: Kwang is not a playable character.

Kwang Press Down + A + C.
Bret Hart Press Down/Left + Start.
Yokozuna Press Up + A + C.
Luna Vachon Press Up/Right + C.
Undertaker Press Right + Start + A.
Razor Ramon Press Left + A + C.
Lex Luger Press Down/Right + Start.
Doink Press Left + Start + A + C.
Shawn Michaels Press Down/Left + A + C.
Diesel Press Down + Start + A + C.

Full Attributes
Enter the CHANGE STATS code for the wrestler you want. When you are asked to change the attributes, hold Start until you hear a strange noise. You can now set all the attributes to 10.

With 123 kid
While opponent is on ground get on top ropes hold x and press up,up,up,up,then let go of x and press b. I call the pogo stick plunge.

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